San Angelo State Park, San Angelo, Texas

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With the forecast calling for temperatures to drop well below freezing around Carlsbad, we started into Texas.  San Angelo seemed like a good place to break up the two-day trip to Fredericksburg with only one night of real cold. In the morning it was 33 degrees and the long hike to the showers was made worse by a strong wind. The showers were ancient and needed some serious work but the water was hot.

Walmart and Lowe’s were just down the road for any needed supplies.

We’d been chasing one sometimes low and sometimes not tire for about a week and after finding the tire at only 5 lbs we also made a stop at Discount Tire. We had been to other DT stores in Tucson and Richmond, VA and found the guys here to be as friendly and efficient as the rest. They found a nail, patched us up and we were back on the road in about an hour.