The Airstream stock pillows are annoying. After our first trip, we yanked them out and stored them in the basement of our sticks and bricks. Maybe someday we’ll want them back, but it’s doubtful.
We sewed bolster covers using outdoor fabric. During the day, we roll our bed pillows and put them into the bolsters. Our pillows are chopped memory foam; they don’t seem to mind this treatment. The bolsters are comfortable when relaxing and we don’t use our limited storage space for bed pillows.

Making these requires basic sewing skills. First, roll up your pillow and measure the length, diameter, and circumference. The cover is made from 3 rectangular pieces: the main body and 2 end caps. The body dimensions are circumference + 1 inch by length + 1 inch (seam allowance is 1/2 inch). The endcap dimensions are circumference + 1 inch by 1/2 diameter + 2 inch (allows for a pocket to hold the tie).
To sew, hem the short ends of the endcaps (allow 1/2 inch for each hem). Sew a pocket for the cord on one long edge (allow 1 1/2 inches for the pocket). Sew the endcaps to the body, then sew the body closed, stopping where it meets the endcap. It’s a good idea to add some patches for reinforcing the spot where the body meets the opening of the endcap.
If you don’t sew (and can’t trick someone into doing it for you), you could try using a stuff sack, available at most outdoor stores.