This was our third visit to Deming, the first where it was more than just passing through. We made our first stop at Rockhound State Park, a favorite for mineral collectors. We walked through the campground gathering information for a future visit and were on our way in just a few hours.
Our second stop was lunch at the Adobe Deli, a steakhouse (and monument to taxidermy) east of Deming. The food and the atmosphere were worth the trip.

After lunch we headed for food and supplies and then to the campground for a couple days. Here’s proof that you can celebrate with what you have on hand.

On our previous visit we reported several failed attempts to capture the rather elusive roadrunner on video. At last, success! They’re about a foot high and very shy. Beep! Beep!
Previous Visit: 18 Feb 2017
Darlene Ferrante
Wile E. Coyote doesn’t stand a chance against the roadrunner! I look forward to some video footage of the roadrunner being chased down a deserted highway by an ACME truck?