Our last Texas stop was Amarillo. We knew we were in trouble when town signs and bridges replaced the 2 L’s with 2 cowboy boots! And again when the temperature hit 86. We debated what to see, and decided on the RV museum. An RV dealer has collected and restored a bunch of old RV’s and Harley Davidson motorcycles. We walked inside most of the RV’s and enjoyed the old fashioned decor.

I think my favorite was a camper kit that mounted onto the bed of a model T Ford built by Anheuser-Busch and sold by Ford dealers until the 1920s.

This one was owned by Max Factor. Another year of the same model was used by Charles Kuralt in his On The Road Series.
Our tourist work complete for the day we headed for the KOA. Very nice campground. Still very warm and windy. We decided on the Big Texan steakhouse for dinner. We were picked up at our site by a limo with a pair of longhorns for a hood ornament. Nice touch! Atmosphere was OK but I have to say that the burgers were better in Van Horn.
Thus began our short journey along what’s left of Route 66.