Great place to spend the better part of a week in warm weather in the middle of February. Extremely friendly and helpful staff. Changing sites isn’t really a problem in a Class B van. Unplugging is quick and easy. We were within easy walking distance to Mesilla. To get downtown, we used the number 40 bus just a few hundred yards from our site. Shopping and groceries were close. Great southwest architecture and never ending views of the organ mountains.
We had a few packages sent for General Delivery pick at the local post office. On the walk back, we stopped at a winery for a tasting and some air conditioning and left with a few bottles of some very good wine.
On Saturday we went to the Farmers Market in downtown Las Cruces. At this time of year it was really more of an arts festival with food vendors, a few farmers with produce and lots of live music. We needed another break from the heat and walked a few blocks to the train station and the train museum for some shade and some air conditioning.
Next was shopping for lunch, a couple more trips up and down the entire market (about seven blocks) and then back on the bus back to Mesilla.

Elevation: 3880 feet; Wi-Fi: Yes; Cell: V2; TV: Cable