After a mad dash south to warmer climes, we settled in for a 2 week stay at Gulf State Park. The birds were happy to have a break. They perked up after a couple of rest days and began a campaign of dive bombing us, chewing their treat stick to a nub, scattering food about, and generally creating mayhem.

We did convince them to pose for a Christmas photo.

Then we posed at the park’s Christmas Village.

Temperatures were about 10 degrees above normal. We had many days with highs in the 70s and a few with humidity above 95%. Morning fog was prevalent.
We enjoyed hanging out in T-shirts and shorts! We even broke out the grill. Deb decided to grill some broccoli. Such is life with a vegetarian!

We spent a lot of our time bike riding. The park has a wonderful network of paved and boardwalk trails that are great for biking.

After about a week, we decided that the bikes needed a little work, so we scheduled maintenance service at a local shop: Infinity Bicycles. In the meantime, we decided to check out the park’s bike share program. The bikes are sturdy single speeds with coaster brakes. The app that manages them is hereby nominated for “worst app in the history of the world”. Among its insults to the user are a display that shows all bikes in the system with no way to filter out those in use, a complete lack of instructions or help, and inability to back up from an incorrect entry short of uninstalling and reinstalling. We finally managed to check out a couple of bikes and enjoyed the ride. We were very happy to get our own bikes back, and they felt brand new!

Site: 324. Wi-Fi is so-so. Good Verizon.
Previous Visit:19-Dec-2020