Daniel Roberdeau played many parts in the story of America’s beginning. Roberdeau immigrated to Philadelphia from the West Indies. He served in the Colonial Assembly before joining the Pennsylvania militia where he eventually became a general. Roberdeau assisted George Washington at Valley Forge. He was a signer of the Articles of Confederation.

In 1778, a shortage of ammunition drew Roberdeau to the Pennsylvania frontier where he opened a lead mine. To protect the mining and smelting interests in the area from Indians and British sympathizers, he built this fort with his own money.

As in other parts of the colonies, loyalties changed over time and varying circumstances. At times, labor for the operation was POWs.
The fort was rebuilt in 1975-76 as part of the Bicentennial. Tours by guides in period costumes are available. The story of the fort is complemented by reenactments and demonstrations of frontier life of 18th century residents. A wedding party in frontier garb occupied the fort during our visit.