Elephant Butte Lake State Park, Elephant Butte, New Mexico

posted in: Campgrounds 0

We traveled through Gallup, NM to reach our campground. The views along the highway were astounding.

View along the highway near Gallup
Roadside red cliffs
Another view from the road
Lava from an ancient volcano

Elephant Butte is the largest state park in New Mexico, and also the largest lake. Our campground, Quail Run, is close to the city of Truth or Consequences. The campground was aptly named — we spent many hours watching groups of Gambel’s Quail scurrying back and forth through the brush surrounding the campsite. There is a short loop trail through the desert which made for a nice walk,  it no quail viewing. The best views were at our campsite. We had some nice sunsets also.

Sunset at the campground
A bit later

We went into T or C to soak at Riverbend Hot Springs spa. The town has a large variety of historic hot spring resorts and spas, many dating back to the 1920’s. Riverbend is newer, but it has several outdoor soaking tubs sited alongside the Rio Grande River. Great views, hot water — pure bliss!

We also walked a short trail alongside the river which had some remnants of CCC architecture, including a fish hatchery.