Kiva RV Park & Horse Motel, Bosque, New Mexico
We were greeted by a large flock of red-winged blackbirds as we entered the campground. Sites were dirt and some gravel. Ours was very close to the highway. It was OK as an overnight stop.
Two Crazy Birds Out On The Road
We were greeted by a large flock of red-winged blackbirds as we entered the campground. Sites were dirt and some gravel. Ours was very close to the highway. It was OK as an overnight stop.
Leasburg Dam State Park is perched on a small rise overlooking the Rio Grande. Unfortunately the river has been captured behind Elephant Butte dam many miles upstream, so there is no water at this time of year except for puddles … Read More
This was an overnight stop on our way east. We’d previously stopped here going west. Bob tried valiantly to film a roadrunner hanging out near the cactus garden, but it was elusive. We snuck off, feeling somewhat like Wile E. … Read More
After leaving Tucson, we headed south for Bisbee. On the way, we stopped in Tombstone, site of the famous Gunfight at the OK Corral which only lasted about 30 seconds and didn’t really take place at the OK Corral. Reenactments … Read More