Crossing the mountains from Alamogordo to Roswell, we hit our highest elevation of the trip at 7691 feet. The views were spectacular, and yes, we did see snow on the ground as well as the mountain tops.

The contrast in environment couldn’t have been greater between Oliver Lee and Bottomless Lakes. This park got its name from the many sink holes that have filled up with water. The water is salty and when it dries up, the landscape is covered in a white crust. The wind still blows constantly but it wasn’t ferocious.
The campground was nice and showers were clean and quite hot although pushbutton so it never really felt satisfying. Ack!

Roswell, New Mexico was a bit of a letdown. We were expecting UFOs and aliens everywhere but maybe they are only in abundance in high season. A number of businesses had aliens and UFOs decorated some as well, the theme wasn’t everywhere. The International UFO Museum And Research Center was our only choice for tourism and while it was interesting, it wasn’t what we were expecting. In fact, we found that there were more cattle than people in Roswell. Maybe that’s what the aliens were really looking for!
Elevation: 3615 feet; Wi-Fi: Yes; Cell: V3; TV: OTA